[Linux-disciples] Mutt seems to have what I'm looking for

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Fri Nov 5 09:30:55 EST 2004

I've complained for a while that mutt's patterns lack an
'all' operator: that if I send an email to Adam Kessel, for
instance, I want it to be encrypted, but that if the list
contains anyone who's not encryptable it should not encrypt
it. Mutt's logic didn't seem rich enough to handle it.

And yet now I see this:


Pattern Modifier

Note that patterns matching 'lists' of addresses (notably
c,C,p,P and t) match if there is at least one match in the
whole list. If you want to make sure that all elements of
that list match, you need to prefix your pattern with ^.
This example matches all mails which only has recipients
from Germany.

^~C \.de$

So I should be able to do something like

send-hook '^(~C adam at rosi-kessel.org | ~C slaniel at laniels.org)' 'set pgp_autoencrypt=yes;set pgp_autosign=yes' 

to get what I want. Right? Yet I can't seem to get it to
work. See below for the mutt pattern that gets invoked every
time my .muttrc is processed. Can someone explain to me why
what I think should happen isn't happening?

send-hook '^(~C abell at intersystems.com | ~C adam.gerard at heart.org | ~C adam at bostoncoop.net | ~C adam at computersand.com | ~C adam at elysiumfields.cc | ~C adam at rosi-kessel.org | ~C adam at voteprime.com | ~C ajkessel at alumni.princeton.edu | ~C ajkessel at debian.org | ~C b88062 at csie.ntu.edu.tw | ~C ccshan at fas.harvard.edu | ~C ccshan at post.harvard.edu | ~C chuckoss at online-str.com | ~C csmith110 at cox.net | ~C dpt at math.berkeley.edu | ~C dpt at math.harvard.edu | ~C dpt at petunia.bostoncoop.net | ~C jasonsmith at phaionline.org | ~C jeremy at computersand.com | ~C jquest71 at hotmail.com | ~C kcwu at ck.tp.edu.tw | ~C kcwu at csie.org | ~C kcwu at kcwu.homeip.net | ~C ken at digitas.harvard.edu | ~C kessel.a at neu.edu | ~C kessel at epic.org | ~C natetowery at phaionline.org | ~C npk at astro.ucsc.edu | ~C panda_lunch at yahoo.com | ~C pelican317 at mac.com | ~C phai at phaionline.org | ~C slaniel at bostoncoop.net | ~C slaniel at groove.net | ~C slaniel at laniels.org | ~C stephen at laniels.org | ~C steve at laniels.org | ~C stevelaniel at attbi.com | ~C stevelaniel at mediaone.net | ~C towery at post.harvard.edu)' 'set pgp_autoencrypt=yes;set pgp_autosign=yes'

``I'm not going to say prayer will be mandatory.
  But let's just say, 'Thine loom and churn best
  be still on the Sabbath, Goodman.'"
 -Ed Helms on The Daily Show

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