[Linux-disciples] Nice upgrades

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Fri Jul 16 20:42:30 EDT 2004

1) Mozilla Firefox (0.9.1) now behaves properly when you
press the context-click button (the rightmost button between
Ctrl and Alt to the right of the spacebar): namely, the
context-click menu for the selected object comes up. This is
super-handy: select text in Mozilla and right-click it, and
you'll get 'View selection source' as an option. Open that
and press Ctrl+C, Ctrl+W, and you've copied a block of
source code to the clipboard without using the mouse. I've
been waiting for this to come over from Windows for at least
a year.

2) I see this in the apt-listchanges output for webalizer:

webalizer (2.01.10-25) unstable; urgency=low

  * By popular request: oversized log records (e.g. because of viruses
    trying to access the web server, causing extremely long records) no
    longer result in a error, but instead in a warning (closes: #258059)

The upgrade isn't what's important to me here, but rather
the explanation of the message. I've been getting this in
my cron output every day for a while, and haven't known what
caused it. Good explanation.

``I'm not a pacifist in any stretch of the imagination.
  As a matter of fact, I like bombing countries.

  KING: You do?

  STEWART: Well, just purely for the knowledge of geography.
  It's just fascinating to learn about these countries.''

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