[Linux-disciples] Weird Mozilla behavior

Adam Kessel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 17:23:31 -0800

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On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 08:15:42PM -0500, Stephen R Laniel wrote:
> That's weird, because Mozilla *looks* like Firebird now. Even the way
> it's rendering fonts is the same; my site looks slightly different, and
> the fonts in tab titles and so forth is the same as it is in Firebird. I
> realize that this could be due to something at a layer below Mozilla and
> Firebird -- like Gnome -- but that would be weird, because Firebird was
> doing this before Mozilla was. If it were something below both browsers,
> wouldn't we expect the difference to show up in both at the same time?

You probably realize this, but if you open Mozilla while Firebird is
running, or vice-versa, you'll just get another window of the one that's
already open.  You can't have Mozilla Browser and Firebird running
simultaneously--it's one or the other.

Gnome has recently entered 2.4 in unstable, which might disrupt a bunch
of things, although I haven't had any problems.

You might try experimenting with a different window manager or even try
running Moz or Firebird under KDE and see if you get the same result.
Adam Kessel

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