[Linux-disciples] Weird Mozilla behavior

Stephen R Laniel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:15:42 -0500

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On Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 05:12:19PM -0800, Adam Kessel wrote:
> No, Firebird and Mozilla are on separate development tracks. There isn't
> much Firebird code going back into Mozilla, and installing Firebird
> should have no effect on your Mozilla browser.

That's weird, because Mozilla *looks* like Firebird now. Even the way
it's rendering fonts is the same; my site looks slightly different, and
the fonts in tab titles and so forth is the same as it is in Firebird. I
realize that this could be due to something at a layer below Mozilla and
Firebird -- like Gnome -- but that would be weird, because Firebird was
doing this before Mozilla was. If it were something below both browsers,
wouldn't we expect the difference to show up in both at the same time?

> Is there any consistency to where/when it happens?  Is it reliably
> reproducible?

It happens almost all the time, and yes it's reliably reproducible.

> I would guess off hand it's probably a rendering problem outside of
> Mozilla all together, maybe with X or with Gnome/GTK.  Possibly upgrading
> everything could help, if you haven't done that.

I upgraded everything just yesterday.

``By the way, I never got this -- what's with this paper beats rock
  thing, anyway? I understand the scissors cutting the paper. I
  understand the rock blunting the scissors. But so the paper wraps
  around the rock; big whoop-de-doo. Like the rock is going to care.''
 -Eugene Volokh, http://shorl.com/hebiprorivese

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