[*BCM*] (Dooring)

Jym Dyer jym at econet.org
Sun Oct 7 13:39:31 EDT 2007

> You [can't] blame people getting out of their cars because
> you don't have the gusto to take what is legally yours.  If
> you don't want to get doored stay out of the dooring zone.

=v= Similarly, if you don't want to get shot, stay out of the
paths of guns being fired.  What, you don't have the "gusto"
or something?  Something must be wrong with YOU, then.

=v= Seriously, your "because" is a false premise, and your
imperative inverts the blame here.  Yes, certainly (and we've
already heard this a million times), bicyclists "should" stay
out of the door zone.  It's good advice, but here you are
attempting to contort it into something that would absolve
motorists of *their* responsibilities.  And you know what?
There's already way too bloody much of that going on already.

=v= It is a motor vehicle operator's responsibility to prevent
ANY PART of the vehicle from harming others.  Many states have
recognized the problem of dooring as a specific failure of
abiding by this general responsibility, and have enacted laws
to clarify this point.  There's no reason not to.  No freedoms
are lost and responsibilities are made clearer.

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