[Linux-disciples] Preferred install location

Stephen R Laniel steve at stevereads.com
Tue Jan 11 15:26:30 EST 2011

On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:21 PM, Jamie Forrest wrote:

> I am installing a set of command line tools from Google on my Ubuntu 10.10 box. http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/depottools
> The installation instructions say to just add the path to the untar'd folder to my path, but I want to copy it out of my home directory and put it somewhere more logical. What's the preferred install location for things like this? 

- system-wide stuff goes in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /bin, and /sbin. This is typically where apps managed by the distribution (Ubu, in this case) go.
- stuff the superuser compiles goes into /usr/local/{bin,sbin}
- stuff you run on your own goes into ${HOME}/bin. You should then put $HOME/bin in your $PATH.

hier(7) covers all of this. But it sounds like maybe you want /usr/local/bin here.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at stevereads.com
Cell: +(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://stevereads.com/slaniel.key

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