[Linux-disciples] Ubuntu and Debian not seeing my HD

Adam Rosi-Kessel adam at rosi-kessel.org
Fri May 19 10:16:00 EDT 2006

Stephen R Laniel wrote:
> On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 10:06:06AM -0400, Adam Rosi-Kessel wrote:
>> Didn't they install the new hard drive for you?
> Nope; they were going to charge me something like $120 for
> the drive, when a new one from CDW -- with 20 GB more
> capacity -- cost $90. So I bought a new one from CDW.
> Installing a new drive is ostensibly quite easy:
> http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-53176

It's usually a good idea to watch someone who knows how to do it do it once,
unless you have super mutant ninja powers like me.

There must be someone in your office who has installed 10^3 laptop hard
drives, maybe they could check it out.

The main tricky thing I've experienced is that there is usually a plastic
piece that goes over the pins. That piece is not always included with new
hard drives; sometimes you need to transfer the piece from the old hard drive.

It's also handy to have an IDE->Laptop HD adapter that lets you plug in a
laptop hard drive to a regular desktop PC. This can help you troubleshoot
what's going on, and also allows you to get data from the hard drive if your
laptop dies.

Finally, it is possible that you just got a defective new drive. It happens

Anyway, we're off in the land of hardware support, which I guess is
off-topic for this list; also, it's much much easier to troubleshoot in
person. In fact, why don't you just bring it to coffee tomorrow morning?

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