[Linux-disciples] Re: Computer consulting for a client?

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Thu Sep 29 12:07:03 EDT 2005

Come to think of it, I should mention something else: if I
leave Boston, a small consulting firm with which I work will
need to start looking for a full-time consultant. I've been
doing freelance work for them for a year and a half or so,
and they're looking to hire someone full-time. I don't know
yet how much they'd be able to offer. They do all kinds of
work: end-user support, website hosting and design, setting
up corporate networks for small companies (and even some
not-so-small ones), etc. They have some very good ideas in
the pipeline that will probably turn into something very
exciting within the next year. In the meantime, I suspect
they'll have lots of work for you.

In particular, I'm the guy on their staff who knows about
Linux. Everyone else there is an OS X fanatic, though of
course they have to do a lot of Windows work. So if you have
any expertise in scripting or Linux admin, I suspect you'd
have a leg up on the competition.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at laniels.org
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key
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