[Linux-disciples] Goofy networking performance

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Tue Jul 26 17:28:38 EDT 2005

Hm: my laptop connects slowly to BCN, but I can ssh to
another machine on my local network, then ssh to BCN
just as speedily as I normally would. If I ssh to BCN's IP
address directly, the connection is instantaneous from my
laptop. The culprit then would be name resolution.

So I checked resolv.conf on the other local-network machine;
it turned out that there was only one nameserver in there,
as opposed to three on my laptop's resolv.conf. The only
entry in the other machine's resolv.conf happened to be the
third of three entries in my laptop's resolv.conf. If I edit
resolv.conf and move that third line to the top, my network
performance is speedy again.

But then if I restart my networking, the two other
nameservers that seem to be slowing things down reappear. So

a) is there any way to keep the good nameserver at the top

b) Item a) seems like a hack. Any idea why my network
performance would suddenly be sucky with these nameservers?

c) Do I blame Comcast, or someone else?

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at laniels.org
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key
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