[Linux-disciples] RSS feeds in a web page

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Sun Sep 19 12:23:44 EDT 2004

I'm away from home right now, and I'd really like to read my
RSS feeds. The ideal for me would be an newsreader that
spits out a web page, which I would then host on my website;
I could then visit laniels.org/myRSSFeeds or somesuch, and
up would come my feeds -- appropriately tagged by whether I
had read each post, etc.

Does such a thing exist? I gather that Bloglines and maybe a
few other services do this, but I'd like it to be an
open-source package running on my own web server. Has anyone
seen anything like this?

``Nobody ever picks yellow out of the [crayon] box
  just for the Hell of it, but once you start
  coloring in whatever coloring book or colored
  coloring you colored, there's a 99.9% chance
  you'll eventually need the yellow for something.
  In that I cheerfully liken it to bay leaves.''

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