[Linux-disciples] Multiple users, multiple machines

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Tue May 11 09:41:48 EDT 2004

If I want to configure multiple users on each of several
machines, what's the best way to do this? I obviously don't
want them to have to change their passwords on several
machines every time they change them on one machine. If
possible, I'd also like users who change their KDE or GNOME
desktops on one machine see those changes immediately
reflected on all the rest.

What's the best way to do this?

  President Bush: "What took place in that prison does not
represent America that I know. The America that I know is a
compassionate country that believes in freedom. The America
that I know cares about every individual."
  Jon Stewart: "'...in fact, I would really love for you to
meet that America someday. The one that you've seen, the
bombing one? Yeah, he's kind of a prick.'"

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