[Linux-disciples] Rendering foreign languages in Mozilla

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Wed Mar 31 13:37:07 EST 2004

Sorry for flooding the list, but another question arose for
me in the process of trying to get this language-pack
business solved. To install the 1.6 Greek language pack --
http://www.mozilla.org/projects/l10n/mlp_status.html -- one
needs to be running Mozilla as root; otherwise the pack
generates an error and the installation doesn't complete.
So I sudo Mozilla, install the pack, it goes fine, and I
restart Mozilla (as myself). Result: all my bookmarks are
trashed, presumably because Mozilla sees that it's running
under a different username.

Is my whole process for installing .xpi files off, or what?

``Quiller-Couch taught him about writing. `I would turn in
  something filled with high-flown phrases of which I was
  inordinately proud,' [Alistair] Cook said. `Q would cut
  them out. ``Cooke,'' he once said to me, ``you must learn
  to murder your darlings.'''''
 -New York Times obituary for Alisair Cook, 30 March 2004

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