[Linux-disciples] Grabbing all of a streaming video

Stephen R Laniel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 15:27:37 -0500

I have a .ASX file -- streaming Windows Media, I think? -- that I
want to grab the entirety of. The URL is


which looks like so inside (in its entirety):

<asx version = "1.0">

<ref href =


In turn, if you try to grab the 'href' on the inside (changing
'mms://' to 'http://'), you get this:

Any idea how to grab and save the whole file? It would be helpful
here at my job. I figured someone here would know how to do this.

``I went through my crack period before she was born,
  just after they made it decaf.''
 -Cory Doctorow, _Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom_,