[Linux-disciples] Resolv.conf, straw, etc.

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Thu Dec 30 08:14:26 EST 2004

On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 03:19:50PM -0500, Adam Rosi-Kessel wrote:
> Usually you don't have to worry about any of this--you do ifup in your
> current environment, and the correct nameserver IP is inserted into
> /etc/resolv.conf by dhclient.  I'm not sure why that doesn't just work
> for you.

Hm. When my wireless card (via iwconfig) reports that its
new ESSID is, say, 'rosi-kessel', did it get that ESSID by
ifuping within range of 'rosi-kessel'? Because what seems to
be happening is that my laptop is retaining the old
nameservers inside of resolv.conf -- the nameservers given
by a different router with a different ESSID -- and, I
think, keeping their names before the names of 'rosi-kessel'
nameservers. I suspect that this is causing strange timeouts
because, say, my laptop tries to look up names within the
other nameserver, can't find it, and falls back to the
'rosi-kessel' nameserver. Some applications will wait for
this whole process to happen; some won't.

 From what you say, I gather that resolv.conf should lose
its old nameservers and gain new ones when switching between
routers, and should do so automatically. It should do this,
I would think, without my having to manually ifdown/ifup.
Isn't that so?

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at laniels.org
+(617) 308-5571
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