[Linux-disciples] 2.6 suspend?

Adam Kessel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Wed, 8 Oct 2003 10:16:33 -0700

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On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 01:07:59PM -0400, Ken Shan wrote:
> Is there any reason to care about ACPI other than the not yet ready
> suspend?  (Do you use ACPI successfully on your Omnibook?)

ACPI manages power better (more efficiently) than APM, and gives you much
more fine grained control over things like fan, temperature, and CPU
speed through the proc filesystem.  ACPI events trigger scripts, so you
could, for example, have a bunch of things happen before the system goes
to sleep. =20

I do use ACPI on my Omnibook, but I can't get it to do a full suspend--I
can have it kind of drop into a null state where the screen is still on
but the hard drive is spun down and no instructions are being processed.
Adam Kessel

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