[Linux-disciples] 2.6 suspend?

Ken Shan linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Wed, 8 Oct 2003 04:13:21 -0400

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On 2003-10-07T15:10:44-0700, Adam Kessel wrote:
> Specifically 2.6.0-test6-mm4, or just the more rest 2.6.0-test series?
> Software suspend is now included with the kernel, so the best way -- if
> it works for you -- is to just run swsusp.  This has "sort of" worked for
> me, although I'm not all that confident in it.
> ACPI suspend I don't believe is "ready" yet.
> Or were you asking about some change specifically with -mm4?

I wasn't asking specifically about -mm4; I was just being concrete.
The problem is I don't understand the distinction between all these
terms you just used: There is said to be two forks of software suspend
in the kernel, but I don't know which configuration option either one
corresponds to and which one you mean, and what's the difference between
these two forks and swsusp and ACPI suspend?

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