[Linux-disciples] Weird Mozilla behavior

Stephen R Laniel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:00:09 -0500

On my machine, Mozilla often truncates blocks of text. See, e.g., this

If I select the text boxes -- e.g., the box reading "Stephen Laniel's
Unspecified Bunker" -- the whole box shows up. But only then. (And I
can't get a screenshot of it, because if I select text and then take
focus off the window, the text disappears again.)

Can anyone explain this? I believe it's a Firebird thing; it didn't
happen at all in Mozilla before Firebird, and I first saw it in Firebird,
and only when I upgraded Mozilla today did it show up. Were there some
fundamental changes in Gecko? Is Mozilla now = Firebird?

``By the way, I never got this -- what's with this paper beats rock
  thing, anyway? I understand the scissors cutting the paper. I
  understand the rock blunting the scissors. But so the paper wraps
  around the rock; big whoop-de-doo. Like the rock is going to care.''
 -Eugene Volokh, http://shorl.com/hebiprorivese