[Linux-disciples] RewriteRule

Stephen R Laniel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 14:53:26 -0400

Well, I didn't solve the '?' problem, but I tried something that'll
probably work better: now


is an alias for


Not only is '/' easier to type than '?', but it doesn't suffer from the
regex-confusion problem. It's possible that Google will index files named
'/weblog/file' more easily than it will index '/weblog?file' as well:


Or maybe not: maybe Google will just try to access '/weblog/file', see
that it's an alias for '.../weblog?rightframe=file', and treat it just
as it would treat any file with a '?' in it. But it can't hurt.

``Nothing gelds a novice father's masculinity more efficiently than
  having to publicly verbalize a litany of cute product names each
  ending in `y' or `ies' - `Huggy Furry Yummy Chewy Cuddly Potties.'''
 -Mark Leyner, _Tooth Imprints On A Corn Dog_