[*BCM*] Courteous Mass

Aaron D. Ball aarondball at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 00:02:27 EDT 2010

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 23:51, Rebecca Albrecht <ralbrecht at speakeasy.net> wrote:

> Having tried to do a Courteous Mass in the middle of the month I think
> it would work better to do it on the traditional day of the last Friday
> of the month ie. this Friday.


I say this as someone who likes Courteous Mass enough to have ridden
in the rainy one, and someone who will happily participate in the next
one whenever it may be:

I ride in Critical Mass because too many drivers think cyclists should
be afraid of them, and because the intentional and the reckless
violence they commit has hurt friends and family and made my mother
and my fiancee afraid to ride on the streets.

Critical Mass is a direct-action protest.  Watering it down to the
point that no one is inconvenienced is not going to fly.  Trying to
turn Critical Mass into Courteous Mass or to hold them at the same
time will harm your goals more than it helps.

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