[*BCM*] courteous mass

Rebecca Albrecht ralbrecht at speakeasy.net
Thu Sep 11 17:16:28 EDT 2008

I am a semi regular participant of Critical Mass, you may remember me 
from riding the black tall bike with, and without the truck horn, and 
the high wheeler on Halloween.
I am de- lurking myself to this list.
I love riding in the mass, and I think many of you have raised some good 
points about how it effects peoples views of bikers. Now, I am all for 
the slightly anarchistic methods of the Mass, but I would like to try a 
slightly different approach that might appeal to a wider rider base(Read 
Mass Bike). We could call it Courteous Mass.

What? A ride much like Critical Mass, with the difference being that it 
would stop for lights( and if a light changes mid mass, stop, mass up, 
and wait for the rest of the group), pedestrians, and when possible 
leave one lane open for passing traffic. It is still a leaderless group 
of bicyclists, but they would just be agreeing to some basic guidelines. 
But Ah ha! you might say, who will organize it and make sure everyone 
follows the "rules"? Well, how about that by your participation you are 
deciding that this is how you want it to go. Kind of like the fact that 
you don't #2 in the middle of the street, because you wouldn't want 
anybody else to do that either.

Who? Anybody that uses wheels and their own power to get around.

Where? Copley Square

When?The second Friday of the month, 5:30-6 ish. The first ride will be 
August 8th. Tell you friends.

Why? Because everyone with wheels should feel good about celebrating 
their awesomeness, and sharing them with other people.

See you there!!!

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