[*BCM*] reconsider routes to prevent public safety threat

Max Harless mharless at wesleyan.edu
Sat Sep 1 19:17:38 EDT 2007

Karen, Karen, Karen... sigh...

The ONLY way to get CM to turn of off Tremont (or Mass. Ave. in 
Cambridge, or Mem Drive, etc.) is to come along with two or three 
friends, ride to the front, TURN off of Tremont, ring your bell, and 
yell, "THIS WAY, THIS WAY." It's the only way, it's really easy, and 
it almost always works -- even I can do it, and I'm so soft-spoken, 
I'm barely audible.

CM only becomes sad and confrontational if you don't come...

(I'm out of town; that's my excuse)


>Hi, guys -
>While I'm not a Crititcal Mass participant, I am an
>avid cyclist in the greater Boston area. I do
>understand the need for more bike-friendly roadways
>around here. I am, however, also a motorist. So, I see
>things from both sides. Any mature person with an
>ounce of common sense should understand that
>activities that generate more hard feelings against
>cyclists from the average citzen are not going to help
>our efforts.
>During your most recent ride ( August 31), you rode
>down Tremont St. through the South End. I  know
>because I was walking through the neighborhood at the
>time. What you may or may not realize is that by
>blocking this portion of Tremont St, you caused a
>gridlock that spread 6 blocks away, onto other major
>roadways in the area. See, most streets in that
>neighborhood are one-way, all eventually leading to
>Tremont St. If a long section of Tremont is
>obstructed, it causes severe backup onto Shawmut Ave.
>& East Berkeley.
>Why should you care about this? Because, while
>Critical Mass claims that they will make way for
>emergency vehicles, how could you possibly know about
>an emergency vehicle that is stuck 4 blocks away in
>the gridlock that you created? Drawing attention to
>cycling issues by riding en mass through the city is
>one thing; completely locking in an entire
>neighborhood is something entirely different.
>These activities only serve to generate further
>hostility towards cyclists. This is the primary reason
>why I do not participate in your rides. While I do
>follow any efforts to improve conditions for
>alternative transportation, I don't believe that your
>methods are effective.
>Perhaps if you consider your routes more carefully, to
>prevent the type of public safety threat that you
>caused in the South End last Friday, you'd have more
>There is no progress without dilalogue. There is no
>dilague when your mission is solely to piss off as
>many people as possible.

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