[*BCM*] bill to support bike storage at airports

Jon Ramos jontramos at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 10 16:35:54 EDT 2007

I'd like to be able to ride to an airport... I take occational 1-2 day trips to nearby cities.  Not to mention being able to ride to the duty free shop! - jk 

----- Original Message ----
From: Jim Leonard <jim_bcm at xuth.net>
To: list at bostoncriticalmass.org
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 4:18:11 PM
Subject: [*BCM*] bill to support bike storage at airports

Just found the following article:

where it points out that Rep James Oberstar (MN) inserted a provision
in a spending bill that provides federal monies for bike storage at
airports (for air passengers).

The commentary is rather weak with the author asking the following
questions:  "Who would ever want to ride a bike to the airport? How
would you get your luggage there -- in a side car?" and "how do you
safely navigate NASCAR-inspired cabbies and other drivers racing to
catch a plane?".  It doesn't seem to occur to the author that these
might be considered solved problems by many cyclists.


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