[*BCM*] non-emergency hotline?

turtle turtle at zworg.com
Sun Oct 22 20:37:46 EDT 2006

Hi welcome to warmer, yet chillier (in disposition) Boston!

I believe that your case most definitely warrants a police report.  By
state law, all crashes that iinvolve either and injury or property
damage have to be reported (by all drivers of vehicles, including
cyclists).  So, while you may not have any damage to yourself or your
vehicle, and you aren't legally required to report the crash, you were
still hit, and that is something that the government, and bicycle and
general traffic safety advocacy groups want to know about (via
government statistics).  So reporting the crash is at least helpful for
society, if not you individually.

Also, hit-and-run is absolutely a criminal offense (as opposed to just
hitting someone, and sticking around, which is just a civil offense). 
You've got the info that the cops need to investigate, and maybe even
prosecute.  If there were any witnesses it would be even better for
your case.

So yeah, you should file a report.  You'll need to make a couple of
copies of the report (usually available at the local PD's website and
definitely at the station itself).  It's too late to have them come and
take a report in person (they usually ask you to come in to the station,
unless both parties are there at the time and/or you are still in
danger).  And I've never heard of the PD taking a report over the
phone.  A lead maybe, but not an actual report where you want to file

So yeah, please do file a report!

Peace, Love, and Bicycles, 

Boston Critical Mass <list at bostoncriticalmass.org> wrote:
> Hello, all.
> I'm new to the Bostonland area, having just moved from Chicago.  Is there a 
> non-emergency police hotline around here, to report non-injury accidents and 
> such (analogous to Chi's 311)?  Like when some jerkface in an SUV nicks your 
> back corner and, uh, drives off?  But you have their plate number and you 
> tailed them to their parking spot and building in an adrenaline-fueled 
> sprint even though you had groceries in your pannier?
> Does that even rank a call to an authority or should I just return to their 
> house and leave a small note on the car, with a few sentences on etiquette 
> and a remark about our mutual luck this afternoon?
> Thank you!
> -Robin.

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us 'universe,' a part
limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and
feelings, as something separate from the rest -- a kind of optical
delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for
us, restricting us to our personal decisions and to affection fo a few
persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this
prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living
creatures and the whole nature in its beauty."

~Albert Einstein

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