[*BCM*] long New Yorker article on Critical Mass

Jym Dyer jym at econet.org
Tue Nov 14 15:13:29 EST 2006

=v= While amusing in parts, it seems to be more an exercise in
_New_Yorker_ prose style than in journalistic accuracy.  The
writer does paint a picture, but it's not a picture of the
NYC bike scene I know.  It comes across to me as if the "holy"
business was inspired by the performance of Rev. Billy, who is
indeed a (wonderful) piece of the scene, but not one to build
that trope around.

=v= Some corrections are in order:

  (1) Barbara is not a blonde.
  (2) She rides a folding bike, not a child's bike.
  (3) The beer is no longer "hidden" in the bathroom.
      Indeed, it's generally not "hidden" at all.
      We keep it in the fridge, like normal people.

Many inquiries have been made about this last point.

"I'm Mark Foley and I approve of this text message."

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