[*BCM*] Boston PD no friend of a cyclist

RogersArtistry at aol.com RogersArtistry at aol.com
Wed Jun 28 10:01:49 EDT 2006

I was also wondering where the  anger is toward that truck driver.  No one 
seems to be asking why the cop  was so quick to anger over bike messengers.  
Could it be that trying to  direct traffic and seeing countless reckless, rude, 
arrogant bike messengers  every day might have something to do with it?  The 
daily sightings of these  dangerous bikers who think everyone should immediately 
get out of their way, (  or be lashed at with countless obscenities) might 
have something to do with the  cop's attitudes?  
I could guess that most of this  anger toward the authority figure is from 
the privileged, white, middle class  and educated.   Find out who your enemies 
really are ( the truck  driver ) and pursue him. 
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