[*BCM*] Bikes, politics, tangents, road behavior, public perception of bicyclists

turtle turtle at zworg.com
Fri Jun 9 20:44:03 EDT 2006

One of the original complaints in this discussion was that people are
devisive.  And without unity any movement is pretty much guaranteed to
fail.  So, it behooves us to stop being devisive.  But we can't.  Why? 
Looking at the discussions on this list it seems to be to be because we
have very diverse worldviews and goals.  

>From what I've seen we have everything from folks mostly just want to
rebel against "the man" (or cars, or war, or me!), to folks who want to
rearrange the system so that cars are at the bottom of a hierarchy and
human powered travel is at the top, to those who want equality for
everyone, to those who want segregation, to those who just don't want
to be yelled at, to those who enjoy confrontation, to those who want
everyone to just shut up and ride bikes, to those who want to get
everyone together and brainstorm, to those who are too afraid to ride
their bikes outside and plan on just riding around the living room
hoping that the rest of the world all sorts itself out.

Is it hopeless?  I don't know.  But I'm doing my damnedest to find out. 
That's why I ask so many questions.  How do you get a group of people to
work together when they don't at all agree on where they want to go?


"One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we
seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal.  We must
pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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