[*BCM*] critical mass feature

Jym Dyer jym at econet.org
Wed Nov 24 20:38:20 EST 2004

> in general my view would be (a) that police can legitimately
> arrest people for actual violations of traffic laws, (b) that
> "corking" intersections to allow the entire mass to go through
> a light that has turned red, etc., technically subjects CM
> riders to this kind of thing,

=v= A reasonable enough self-contained little scenario in its
own right, but it's got zip, zilch, nada, bupkis, ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the behavior of the NYPD since
the August ride.  Let's just get that straight, okay?  It's
fine to have your opinion and all that, but it's got nothing
to do with this particular issue.

=v= The NYPD are not arresting people for this.  The NYPD
are doing mass indiscriminate sweeps, malicious prosecutions,
harassment in the form of arrests for minor violations (e.g.
a bike missing a reflector, which is normally a summons that
can be automatically dismissed if you get a reflector within
48 hours), and situations where one is compelled to follow a
police order and then be arrested for doing so.

=v= Let's not lose sight of the real live actual situation that
NYC bikers are being subjected to, okay?

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