[Friends of Millstone] Anti-Racism in Cooperative Organizations

Hilary Lake hilaryjlake at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 11:33:27 EDT 2010

Hi Millstonites!

I'm currently working and planning to live with the Lucy Stone Coop and
thought that you might be interested in joining us in this anti-racism event
coming up.

all the best in cooperation,



Hey Co-operaters, Friends, Comrades, and Community members,

You are invited to a training for

*“Anti-Racism in Cooperative Organizations.”*

*Time*: 3:00-6:30pm, followed by a community dinner.

*Date*: Saturday, October 16th

*How much*: $20, but scholarships are available- just ask!

*Where*: TBA

This training is being hosted the Lucy Stone Cooperative, in partnerships
with North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) and the AORTA Collective
(Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Collective).

Stay tuned for more information to follow!

Yours in Cooperation,
    The Lucy Stone Co-op Planning Team

*Trainer Bios:*
As a staff member at Mariposa Food Co-op, *Esteban Kelly *(aka "Stevie") was
instrumental in forming the Food Justice and Anti-Racism Working Group which
aims to increase food access while confronting institutionalized
oppressions. Homeboy is a board member to the US Federation of Worker
Co-ops, and has been devoted to the North American cooperative movement
since 1999. In addition to co-op organizing, Esteban is pursuing a doctorate
degree in Cultural Anthropology at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York,
where he is studying how urbanization in Brazil mobilizes land, housing, and
social movements over conflicting ideologies of space. As an active
community organizer in West Philadelphia, homeboy works with Philly Stands
Up on sexual assault issues, the Philly Dudes Collective on gender analysis
and male accountability, and the LCA land trust where he lives with his
partner and friends. Esteban enjoys Battlestar Galactica, riding bikes,
reading comics, and speaking Portuguese with friends. Finally, Esteban
administers Black Maps, a blog reflecting on pretty much all of the issues
and hobbies stated above: www.blackmaps.wordpress.com

*Tyrone Boucher* is a trainer, writer, organizer, and artist based in West
Philadelphia. He is passionate about transformative, anticapitalist,
community-rooted models of fundraising and resource sharing; in 2008, he
co-founded the website Enough: The Personal Politics of Resisting
a space to share strategies for creating more just and economically
sustainable movements. He is a founding member of AORTA, the Anti-Oppression
Resource and Training Alliance, and has worked with a wide variety of
grassroots organizations as an educator and consultant. Tyrone first become
politicized through queer, trans, and feminist organizing, and now finds his
political home in broad-based, intersectional movements for liberation; he
believes that all of our liberation is bound up together, and that true
social change is a collective process. He works closely with POOR Magazine,
a poor and indigenous people-led grassroots organization in the Bay Area
working to build justice and self-determination in marginalized communities
through art, grassroots media, education, organizing, and radical
intergenerational community building. Tyrone was named one of UTNE Reader’s
50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World in 2009, and is featured in the
book Do It Anyway: Portraits of the Next Generation of Activists, from
Beacon Press. He enjoys gardening, nature, queers, queers in nature,
adventure, grassroots fundraising, outdoor dance parties, fermentation, and
post-apocalyptic dystopian feminist speculative fiction.

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