[Linux-disciples] Catching URLs on the command line

Adam Kessel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 11:47:14 -0500

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On Sat, Jan 17, 2004 at 11:29:44AM -0500, Stephen R Laniel wrote:
> I think it'd be really handy if a command like
> slaniel@JeffTweedy:~$ http://bostoncoop.net/adam
> behaved within bash the way that Windows users have come to
> expect: namely, it invokes the browser that's been associated
> with HTTP URLs.
> Has anyone come up with a shell that does this? Or maybe hacked
> bash to do it? It seems like a great, simple usability
> enhancement.

Very ununixy though. We had a conversation about this about three years
ago, I think.

My suggestion would be to have a one letter alias for sensible-browser
and invoke URLs with that.

There are a million things you might want to do with a URL; browsing to
it is just one.  It strikes me as against the basic nature of the unix
command line to have default actions associated with the complement of a
predicate.  This is more something I would expect from Gnome and KDE as a
higher level of abstraction from what's really going on.

But that's just old curmudgeonly me.
Adam Kessel

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