[Linux-disciples] Grabbing all of a streaming video
Stephen R Laniel
Thu, 15 Jan 2004 12:29:58 -0500
On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 12:26:22PM -0500, Adam Kessel wrote:
> I know someone who finds 'geek' offense and insists on 'nerd' for this
> reason.
*shrug* People should have thicker skins. But I use the term as
the highest sort of compliment; I call myself a geek.
``I get the warm and fuzzies hearing about how standards-
compliant Free software rocks. I don't get them from hearing
about proprietary, non-standards-compliant software sucks.
Make me warm and fuzzy, Shlomi.''
-Peter Whysall on the linux-elitists mailing list,