[Linux-disciples] Gnut searching

Adam Kessel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Mon, 15 Sep 2003 16:51:59 -0700

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On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 05:55:47PM -0400, Stephen R Laniel wrote:
> If I run the gnut 'info' command, I get the output below. It seems to me
> that gnutella is connecting just fine to other hosts, so it's not a
> firewall issue. But just in case: which ports should I be opening up?

It could be 5635 or 6346. You can set it with "set local_port" or check
your .gnutrc.

> Can anyone think of a good reason why gnut isn't behaving well for me
> recently? Could it just be that the RIAA's recent copyright crackdown has
> stopped a lot of people from providing files, and that there are in fact
> 0 copies of everything I'm looking for?

I've heard there has been a fairly substantial drop in P2P usage, but
can't confirm it myself.

> -----------------
> 1)    Packs:      0:0          0:0    Bytes:       0:0
>    TID: 4472835  Type: OUT  State: CONN   Rate:      0:0      /sec

Looks like you're not connected to anyone. I would go with the firewall
issue first of all. =20
Adam Kessel

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