[Linux-disciples] GET requests for other sites

Stephen R Laniel linux-disciples@bostoncoop.net
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 13:59:31 -0500

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On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 10:55:04AM -0800, Adam Kessel wrote:
> Ooops! Imagine my red face. You *did* email to linux-disciples. Well,
> consider my response a 'flag' for Ken. Maybe.

Yea, for I do notice the redness. From here, even. MILES away. CONTINENTS
away. Such is the redness.

I definitely noticed that the IP of the client was the same as the IP of
the server, but ... I dunno, this sort of request bothers me. I put it in
the same category as email relays, perhaps unjustifiably. I welcome
correction from Ken or whomever.

``As Dick and Jane lay down in the back of Dick's sport utility
  vehicle, Spot ate the spicy stew. He wanted to help. Spot knew Jane was
  a racist who saw the stew as a symbol of Dick's ethnicity. He also knew
  it added to her deep-seated feelings of shame.''

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