[Linux-disciples] RewriteRule
Stephen R Laniel
Thu, 7 Aug 2003 22:28:11 -0400
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On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 10:14:59PM -0400, Adam Kessel wrote:
> Did you remember to turn "RewriteEngine on" first? (I assume you're doing
> this in .htaccess). And also make sure LoadModule rewrite_module is
> uncommented in httpd.conf!
I forgot to do the first, and remembered to do the second. Still, doing
the first didn't fix it.
Also, I'm doing this inside of httpd.conf, within the virtual-host block
for laniels.org
> Furthermore, you probably don't want that slash at the beginning of the
> RewriteRule. The Rewrite Engine is a little funny about what it gets
> passed.
Fixing this didn't improve things, unfortunately; I still get=20
[Thu Aug 7 22:25:02 2003] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/laniels.org/weblog
> (also ? does mean '0 or 1')
The trouble is that I'm actually trying to do two forms of shortcut:
first, I want people to be able to use '/weblog' instead of
'/cgi-bin/weblog', and I want them to be able to do '/weblog?foo' rather
than '/weblog?rightframe=3Dfoo'. Hence the full RewriteRule that I'm using
is (including the changes you suggested)
RewriteRule ^weblog\?(.*)$ /cgi-bin/weblog?rightframe=3D$1
Do you think moving this to .htaccess would fix things? I'll try that.
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having to publicly verbalize a litany of cute product names each
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-Mark Leyner, _Tooth Imprints On A Corn Dog_
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