hi all,<br><br>i looked into this fairly closely. The company that got the contract to set this up currently operates in Montreal, its called Bixi (<a href="http://www.bixi.com">www.bixi.com</a>). It operates much the same way that Zip car works: you pay a yearly rate, then you pay per usage (though the first 30 minutes is free). unlike zipcar, you can return a bike at a different location than you picked it up.<br>
<br>while this is certainly an improvement over having nothing, it pales in comparison to what we could have. Copenhagen has a program that is run by the City (not subcontracted out) for bikes to be used within the city center for free. <a href="http://www.bycyklen.dk/english/thecitybikeandcopenhagen.aspx">http://www.bycyklen.dk/english/thecitybikeandcopenhagen.aspx</a> <br>
<br>personally, I won't be using this new bike service. I'll be sticking with my trusty bike.<br><br>-josh<br>