If you are someone for whom bicycle maintenance has been a life-long struggle and passion, you will be saddened to learn that dear Sheldon Brown, of Harris Cyclery, has passed.<br>If one were to Google "bike repair," five steps down would be <font size="-1"><span class="a"><a href="http://www.sheldonbrown.com/">www.sheldonbrown.com/</a><b>repair</b>/index.html<br>
If you were not familiar with Sheldon, walk to your bookshelf and throw out every book on bicycle maintenance you have. Now, go to the aforementioned site, and feel the greasy glow of goodness.<br>Here you will find everything from the difference between English and Italian threaded bottom brackets, to how to service a Rohloff rear hub atop the Khyber pass with a nail clipper and dental floss.<br>
We were lucky to have such a bicycle guru in our back yard, and I know that Sheldon is passing all of the tools in their Ferraris on his 63-gear franken-bike up the final summit.<br><br>thank you, friend.<br></span></font>