Hey all,<br><br>Given the climate justice/Hurricane Katrina focus of the August Critical Mass (check out the blog post at <a href="http://itsgettinghotinhere.org/446">http://itsgettinghotinhere.org/446</a> for all the dirt on that), I figured a bunch of you might be interested in a youth energy/climate change summit I'm putting together. The event is being held on the weekend September 23-24 at 45 Mt. Auburn St. in Harvard Square. It will feature numerous organizing skills trainings, breakout discussion sessions and campaign and issue briefings ,with the ultimate goal of building the power of youth as climate activists and building strong activist networks to ensure a just and sustainable future. Potential keynote speakers include Ben Namakin, a youth from Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean whose nation is being inundated by rising sea levels due to climate change.
<br><br>I've attached a quarter-page flyer you can use for outreach in your communities if you'd like. The summit is primarily aimed at youth and students, but all are welcome. If you're interested in attending the summit or want more information, feel free to e-mail me!
<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>--Adi Nochur<br> Tufts University/Sierra Student Coalition<br><br><br><br><br>