[*BCM*] exhaust fumes

Charvak Karpe charvak at alum.mit.edu
Fri Aug 14 10:26:40 EDT 2009

I read Monique's Globe article, half the comments, and the discussion
on our mailing list.  Nobody mentions the role of automobile exhaust
in the decisions cyclists make about how to ride.  The next time
you're riding up a hill with a line of 20 cars behind you, think about
the effects on your lungs if you pull to the right and let them pass
you.  Why do people think they have a right to spew toxic fumes into
the road?

Some scientist was telling me that the ultrafine particles coming out
of car exhaust are most dangerous for about 20 seconds after emission,
until they clump together and become larger.  US auto exhaust looks
cleaner than the stuff in the third world because there are fewer
larger particles, but it's worse for you especially because it's less
uncomfortable to breathe.

Oh, and does anyone else hate those diesel trucks with the exhaust
pipes down below by the driveshaft?  I guess it's cheaper that way,
but the ones with the pipes going up to the roof are so much nicer, as
are CNG buses.  If you drive a stinky car, I'm most likely to get in
front of you and intentionally block you from passing me.  At least
Monique doesn't have that problem.

Admittedly, my car's exhaust isn't the cleanest, but whenever I pass
bikes, I make it a point to give extra room and push the clutch out
and coast for a bit after I pass so I'm not accelerating in his face.

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