[*BCM*] grim scenes saturday... any news?

so.eximo at gmail.com so.eximo at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 12:33:36 EDT 2009

Elitism is not a bad name.

Anyhow, can we all agree to take a ride outside, and leave the computer
alone for a bit?

; )

On 8/2/09 12:26 PM, "Turtle" <turtle at thewiseturtle.com> wrote:

> Wow, I'm kind of shocked at how elitist some of you are.  Most people
> who have to struggle to pay for the ridiculously high costs of housing
> and food on minimum wage or less (which is a very large proportion of
> people in the Boston area) and are undereducated, simply don't have
> the resources to be like you.  You are privileged.  Remember that.
> As for the internet, even homeless people, with no income, are offered
> free internet in a number of places (the library for one, and day
> shelters, too).  Though who's to say that this guy who was hit ever
> used the internet.
> -Turil
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