[*BCM*] Longfellow/Cambridge Bike Police, Systemic Change, Courteous Mass et al.

tjvitolo at bu.edu tjvitolo at bu.edu
Thu Jul 31 17:17:45 EDT 2008

> Why should we be polite (or "courteous" if you prefer) to  bunch of
> people who more often than not yell, harass and cause harm to cyclists
> with little to no compunction?

Because being polite may win over the hearts and minds of some drivers, 
whereas reciprocating the bad behavior is far less likely to result in 
better cyclist-motorist interactions in the future.

This isn't about cycling at all.  This is about life.  Who's life is 
made better by escalating the conflict?  Turn the other cheek, kill 'em 
with kindness, give peace a chance.  At worst, you'll be no worse off 
and, at best, you may make yourself a new friend.

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