[*BCM*] NYPD Incident

Jim Leonard jim_bcm at xuth.net
Tue Jul 29 17:50:45 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 03:38:32PM -0700, Jym Dyer wrote:
> > Another bit of nastiness from the last CM ride in NYC:
> http://gothamist.com/2008/07/28/cop_caught_on_video_assaulting_cycl.php
> =v= On the NYPD incident, some developments:
> http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny--youtube-cyclist0728jul28,0,7303452.story
> Summary:  the video went virual (YouTube and a bunch of blogs)
> and the cop has been suspended.  Kudos to the video collective!

The thing I want to know is what happened to the second officer.  He 
didn't push the cyclist, but he was complicit in that he saw the whole
thing and then at the very least let the first officer arrest the 
cyclist.  If he didn't at least file a complaint about the pushing 
officer then he's just as much a part of the problem.

If he isn't also subject to similar investigation then there's something
definitely wrong.


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