[*BCM*] Cyclists "shall be subject to the traffic laws andregulations of the Commonwealth"

Justin Wong lilwong at bu.edu
Mon May 8 09:49:04 EDT 2006

I always wondered about #3. Technically CM would be breaking the law... 
But everyday I see cyclists blow through a red light when a cop is
overlooking the street traffic and they don't seem to mind.

-----Original Message-----
From: bostoncriticalmass-bounces at bostoncriticalmass.org
[mailto:bostoncriticalmass-bounces at bostoncriticalmass.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 10:10 AM
To: Boston Critical Mass
Subject: [*BCM*] Cyclists "shall be subject to the traffic laws
andregulations of the Commonwealth"

Indeed, in Massachusetts, bicyclists must follow all state traffic laws,
signs, and signals, including those that apply to "motor vehicles". 
According to state law (Chapter 85, section 11B, see:
http://massbike.org/bikelaw/ ), the only three traffic law differences for
bicyclists are:

1. Bicyclists are permitted to pass on the right (though it's not very
2. Bicyclists are NOT permitted to ride next to eachother in the same lane
(a stupid law that would be changed with the passage of the Bicyclists Bill
of Rights and Responsibilities).
3. Bicycles may be ridden on sidewalks outside business districts "when
necessary for safety", as long as you yield to pedestrians.

Other than those excecptions, bicyclists are required by state law to follow
all traffic laws.  

Obviously, lots of people don't know this, and many others don't give a
shit.  But reality is that you can get cited and prosecuted for violating
traffic laws on your bike as you would in an automobile.

Note, we're not talking about equipment laws here, just traffic laws. 
Obviously, different types of vehicles have different equipment laws. 
For example, bikes are required to have a white, front headlight at night,
but aren't required to have any rear lights at all (though they are
definitely an excellent idea).


Boston Critical Mass <list at bostoncriticalmass.org> wrote:
> On Apr 30, 2006, at 6:27 PM, Anarchist Judaism wrote:
> > The regulation does specify motor vehicle, though.
> >
> I think it's established elsewhere that bicyclists must follow all 
> motor vehicular traffic laws except where noted.
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