[*BCM*] A unified strategy!

turtle turtle at zworg.com
Sat Oct 29 11:55:49 EDT 2005

Boston Critical Mass <list at bostoncriticalmass.org> wrote:
> Alternate points of view are fine, but I'm really sick
> of all this anti bike lane bull.  

To that I say, alternate points of view are fine, but I'm really sick of
all this segregationist bull.

> All an official needs to weasel out of building a bike
> lane is one or two bike activists to come out against
> it. 

And I reply, all an official needs to weasel out of actually making the
roads safe for all users, is to build a bike lane.

> It's time we all start thinking about unified
> strategies instead of letting our movement come out
> looking like a disorganized blob of jelly.  

We finally agree!  So why not get together and have an open dialogue,
leave the namecalling out, and find out a way to address ALL of our
needs, not just yours or mine?  We had a similar discussion a while ago
on this list, but maybe you missed it.  It was really useful for
understand what we all need so that we can formulate a unified strategy
for all cyclists (and HPV users in general).  

So in case you missed it the first time, here are my priorities (may be
slightly different from the last time I did this, but it should be
pretty much the same basic things, since I've thought about this fairly

#1 - Safety for all road users.  (Actual safey - rather than percieved
safety - meaning few crashes and other incidents that cause problems.)

#2 - Equality for all users.  I want to use the public roads no matter
what form of transport I choose, and I don't want to be discriminated
against for choosing something that isn't the "norm".

#3 - Environmentally responsible.  The less petrolium-based pavement
covering the planet, the better.

#4 - Simplicity and clarity.  The roads and the traffic laws that govern
them should be simple enough for a child to understand, since children
do use roads regularly.

There are obviously others, including our solutions being cheap, and
encouraging public transit, but those 4 are the tops ones.

Ok, your turn!


"One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we
seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal.  We must
pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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