[*BCM*] (no subject)

Benjamin Quesnel bq411 at stu.aii.edu
Tue Oct 18 19:50:35 EDT 2005

Hello to all, as a bipedal civilian in the Boston area, the cavalry of obnoxious (and noxious) 
cars have spurred my interest in the movement.  Subsequentally my documentary class is 
currently in pre production on a piece about artists and motivators taking back public 
spaces.  We have already gotten interviews from Alan Abel as well as performance artist 
Milan Kahut.  I was wondering if anyone had any videos/stills/stories/events to contribute.  
As this is a student project all credit will be given to the proper creator(s).  If you are 
interested in what we are doing shoot back an email (bq411 at stu.aii.edu)  all input is 
welcome.  See you at the end of the month (Copley Square).    

Benjamin Quesnel

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