[*BCM*] A haiku day in the life of a bicycle commuter

Tom Revay trevay at massbike.org
Fri Sep 17 10:43:09 EDT 2004

Hazy, hot, humid.
Sticky, sunny and sweaty.
Hawaiian shirt day!

Racing to the red light?
What's the issue?  You'll get there!
Back off yiz eejit!

Back in the springtime
My legs burned climbing this hill.
Feelin' no burn now!

Cell phone under chin.
Wall Street Journal on the wheel.
It's rear-ender time!

Traffic queued on red
Takes three green lights to clear out.
My bike takes but one.

BAH!  (Subwoofer.)  BAH!

Why is it that the
Morning's headwind now blows straight
In my face at night?

Watchin' two guys dig.
Dunkin' Big Gulp in right hand.
The police detail.

We left the place at 6.
I rode my bike, while she drove.
She's not home.  I am.

Rain for tomorrow.
I'll ride the bike with fenders.
She loves gettin' wet!

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